documentationcentre 2019-04-10T19:23:15+02:00 documentationcentre 2019-04-10T19:23:15+02:00 2019-04-10T19:23:15+02:00 You Can Be A Pilot Book Book Pourquoi Princesse

Vendor: Pourquoi Princesse
Type: Book
Price: 17.95

Take off on an exciting journey into the world of piloting, and follow in the footsteps of daring women who've contributed to aviation.

Girls (and boys alike!) will be empowered with stories of trailblazing female pilots like Dorine Bourneton (the first disabled aerobatics pilot in the world), Evey Cormican (Captain for United Airlines), and many more.

Our educational and fun activity book walks kids through a day in the life of a pilot. With hands-on experiments, art projects, and fun facts about flying, You Can Be A Pilot is great for parents and kids to read and share together. 


Age Range: Our books are designed for ages 7-12, but we feel like they are fun and educational for everyone!

Soft Cover, Size: 24cm x 27cm 

Bundle this item in a themed gift box as the perfect gender equal gift. 


]]> French Activity Book 17.95 500